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Pure javascript HTML5 canvas bilinear image interpolation

I've finally got my finger on a motivating javascript tryout. Never went deep into web programming before, this is the first full day of my life spent on JS. I wanted to test the feasibility (in term of computation time spent by the browser) of good quality image interpolation solely on the client side, in javascript. Even on a mac air 1.4GHz, it turns out to be a perfectly viable solution.

Googling to find some existing code, I didn't find any valuable. So here is one, it's working for me, not just a half baked solution computing only one pixel in the image and approximatively. The following HTML+JS is self contained and works fine, at least on my setup.

Room for optimization

This code is written to be easy to read, there's plenty of room for optimization. First, the inner function call in the inner part of the two-levels pixel processing loop is probably a performance killer.

And now the source code:

<html lang="en">
    <title>p h i l o u . c h</title>

    <canvas id="load-canvas" style="display:none;"></canvas>
    <canvas id="disp-canvas" style="border: 1px solid black;"></canvas>

<!-- pure javascript bilinear image interpolation
     Philippe Strauss, philou at philou.ch, Jan 2012 -->
    // compute vector index from matrix one
    function ivect(ix, iy, w) {
        // byte array, r,g,b,a
        return((ix + w * iy) * 4);

    function bilinear(srcImg, destImg, scale) {
        // c.f.: wikipedia english article on bilinear interpolation
        // taking the unit square, the inner loop looks like this
        // note: there's a function call inside the double loop to this one
        // maybe a performance killer, optimize this whole code as you need
        function inner(f00, f10, f01, f11, x, y) {
            var un_x = 1.0 - x; var un_y = 1.0 - y;
            return (f00 * un_x * un_y + f10 * x * un_y + f01 * un_x * y + f11 * x * y);
        var i, j;
        var iyv, iy0, iy1, ixv, ix0, ix1;
        var idxD, idxS00, idxS10, idxS01, idxS11;
        var dx, dy;
        var r, g, b, a;
        for (i = 0; i < destImg.height; ++i) {
            iyv = i / scale;
            iy0 = Math.floor(iyv);
            // Math.ceil can go over bounds
            iy1 = ( Math.ceil(iyv) > (srcImg.height-1) ? (srcImg.height-1) : Math.ceil(iyv) );
            for (j = 0; j < destImg.width; ++j) {
                ixv = j / scale;
                ix0 = Math.floor(ixv);
                // Math.ceil can go over bounds
                ix1 = ( Math.ceil(ixv) > (srcImg.width-1) ? (srcImg.width-1) : Math.ceil(ixv) );
                idxD = ivect(j, i, destImg.width);
                // matrix to vector indices
                idxS00 = ivect(ix0, iy0, srcImg.width);
                idxS10 = ivect(ix1, iy0, srcImg.width);
                idxS01 = ivect(ix0, iy1, srcImg.width);
                idxS11 = ivect(ix1, iy1, srcImg.width);
                // overall coordinates to unit square
                dx = ixv - ix0; dy = iyv - iy0;
                // I let the r, g, b, a on purpose for debugging
                r = inner(srcImg.data[idxS00], srcImg.data[idxS10],
                    srcImg.data[idxS01], srcImg.data[idxS11], dx, dy);
                destImg.data[idxD] = r;

                g = inner(srcImg.data[idxS00+1], srcImg.data[idxS10+1],
                    srcImg.data[idxS01+1], srcImg.data[idxS11+1], dx, dy);
                destImg.data[idxD+1] = g;

                b = inner(srcImg.data[idxS00+2], srcImg.data[idxS10+2],
                    srcImg.data[idxS01+2], srcImg.data[idxS11+2], dx, dy);
                destImg.data[idxD+2] = b;

                a = inner(srcImg.data[idxS00+3], srcImg.data[idxS10+3],
                    srcImg.data[idxS01+3], srcImg.data[idxS11+3], dx, dy);
                destImg.data[idxD+3] = a;

    var loadCan = document.getElementById("load-canvas");
    var dispCan = document.getElementById("disp-canvas");

    var loadCtx = loadCan.getContext("2d");
    var dispCtx = dispCan.getContext("2d");

    var scale = 1.414;

    var image_var = new Image();
    image_var.onload  = function () {
        loadCan.setAttribute("width", image_var.width);
        loadCan.setAttribute("height", image_var.height);
        loadCan.style.position = "fixed";
        loadCan.width  = image_var.width;
        loadCan.height = image_var.height;
        loadCtx.drawImage(image_var, 0, 0, image_var.width, image_var.height);

        // getImageData : Chrome & FF: Unable to get image data from canvas because the canvas
        // has been tainted by cross-origin data.
        // when served from localhost, dev laptop
        var srcImg = loadCtx.getImageData(0, 0, image_var.width, image_var.height);

        var newWidth = Math.ceil(image_var.width*scale);
        var newHeight = Math.ceil(image_var.height*scale);
        dispCan.width = newWidth;
        dispCan.height = newHeight;
        dispCan.setAttribute("width", newWidth);
        dispCan.setAttribute("height", newHeight);
        var destImg = dispCtx.createImageData(newWidth, newHeight);
        bilinear(srcImg, destImg, scale);

        dispCtx.putImageData(destImg, 0, 0);
    image_var.src = "http://www.philou.ch/pic/fear_makes_the_wolf_look_bigger.jpg";
    // image_var.src = "http://www.philou.ch/pic/leaf.png";


A redditor nicknamed xon_xoff got this comment, about something close to an off-by-one bug in the above code, that I hadn't the time to check/understand for now, so I copy/paste it raw:

The coordinate mapping used in this code will result in a slight shift as it matches up the top-left pixel of the source and destination images instead of the top-left corner. This is because it places pixel centers at integer coordinates and matches up (0,0). This mapping should be used instead:

iyv = (i + 0.5) / scale - 0.5;
ixv = (j + 0.5) / scale - 0.5;

This means that the code has to be updated to handle clamping on the top and left borders as well, though.

The author of JS-Image-Resizer pointed me to his work on optimized bilinear interpolation, after me posting on reddit.com.

Still on reddit, jon.carlos.rivera@gmail.com got this nice comment and code snippet about bicubic interpolation:

I recently needed a bicubic image resampling algorithm and could not find any in pure javascript so I rolled my own. The function takes an x and y in the range of 0 - 1 and 16 values (ie. the 16 neighboring pixels in an array of 4 arrays of 4 values each). I figured I would post the code here because it might come in handy for at least one other person.

var BicubicInterpolation = (function(){
    return function(x, y, values){
        var i0, i1, i2, i3;

        i0 = TERP(x, values[0][0], values[1][0], values[2][0], values[3][0]);
        i1 = TERP(x, values[0][1], values[1][1], values[2][1], values[3][1]);
        i2 = TERP(x, values[0][2], values[1][2], values[2][2], values[3][2]);
        i3 = TERP(x, values[0][3], values[1][3], values[2][3], values[3][3]);
        return TERP(y, i0, i1, i2, i3);
    /* Yay, hoisting! */
    function TERP(t, a, b, c, d){
        return 0.5 * (c - a + (2.0*a - 5.0*b + 4.0*c - d + (3.0*(b - c) + d - a)*t)*t)*t + b;

function bicubic(srcImg, destImg, scale) {

    var i, j;
    var dx, dy;
    var repeatX, repeatY;
    var offset_row0, offset_row1, offset_row2, offset_row3;
    var offset_col0, offset_col1, offset_col2, offset_col3;
    var red_pixels, green_pixels, blue_pixels, alpha_pixels;
    for (i = 0; i < destImg.height; ++i) {
        iyv = i / scale;
        iy0 = Math.floor(iyv);

        // We have to special-case the pixels along the border and repeat their values if neccessary
        repeatY = 0;
        if(iy0 < 1) repeatY = -1;
        else if(iy0 > srcImg.height - 3) repeatY = iy0 - (srcImg.height - 3);

        for (j = 0; j < destImg.width; ++j) {
            ixv = j / scale;
            ix0 = Math.floor(ixv);

            // We have to special-case the pixels along the border and repeat their values if neccessary
            repeatX = 0;
            if(ix0 < 1) repeatX = -1;
            else if(ix0 > srcImg.width - 3) repeatX = ix0 - (srcImg.width - 3);

            offset_row1 = ((iy0)   * srcImg.width + ix0) * 4;
            offset_row0 = repeatY < 0 ? offset_row1 : ((iy0-1) * srcImg.width + ix0) * 4;
            offset_row2 = repeatY > 1 ? offset_row1 : ((iy0+1) * srcImg.width + ix0) * 4;
            offset_row3 = repeatY > 0 ? offset_row2 : ((iy0+2) * srcImg.width + ix0) * 4;

            offset_col1 = 0;
            offset_col0 = repeatX < 0 ? offset_col1 : -4;
            offset_col2 = repeatX > 1 ? offset_col1 : 4;
            offset_col3 = repeatX > 0 ? offset_col2 : 8;

            //Each offset is for the start of a row's red pixels
            red_pixels = [[srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col0]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col1]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col2]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col3]]];
            //Each offset is for the start of a row's green pixels
            green_pixels = [[srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col0]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col1]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col2]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col3]]];
            //Each offset is for the start of a row's blue pixels
            blue_pixels = [[srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col0]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col1]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col2]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col3]]];
            //Each offset is for the start of a row's alpha pixels
            alpha_pixels =[[srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col0], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col0]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col1], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col1]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col2], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col2]],
                              [srcImg.data[offset_row0+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row1+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row2+offset_col3], srcImg.data[offset_row3+offset_col3]]];

            // overall coordinates to unit square
            dx = ixv - ix0; dy = iyv - iy0;

            idxD = ivect(j, i, destImg.width);

            destImg.data[idxD] = BicubicInterpolation(dx, dy, red_pixels);

            destImg.data[idxD+1] =  BicubicInterpolation(dx, dy, green_pixels);

            destImg.data[idxD+2] = BicubicInterpolation(dx, dy, blue_pixels);

            destImg.data[idxD+3] = BicubicInterpolation(dx, dy, alpha_pixels);

That was a chunk of code I wrote to support textured objects for a truly photo-realistic renderer (a distributed raytracer) I am writing in pure JS.

Thanks to you guys. I don't have a disqus thing on this blog but the best comments I usually copy/paste it by hand.
